If you have come to this post it's safe to assume that you are fairly new to the label business and you are still trying to understand which labels to use for your clothing line. You have probably found that the most common type of labels for clothing/accessories and apparel are Woven and Printed clothing labels but you are still wondering.... WHICH ONE SHOULD I USE?! Unfortunately there is not a clear-cut answer and in some circumstances it is not an easy pick between the two. The best way to take a decision is to first learn as much as possible about woven and printed labels and then asses each quality of the labels against your needs, time and expectations. Let's start with laying out some useful information about each label type: WOVEN LABELS Woven labels are normally made of 100% polyester (you can have them made in cotton too...but let's not go into too much details for now) threads weaved together. Your design is transformed into a ...