Design Tips for Custom Patches

To ensure you get the best results, here are our custom patch design tips. We offer expert advice on what you need to know to design a successful custom embroidered patch.

Strong color contrast is ideal

Strong color contrast is better than light-to-light or dark-to-dark colors. In other words, if visibility is an issue with your current design, consider increasing the contrast for better results.

The larger the letter, the better

Letters smaller than ⅛ inch inches can affect readability. If upper and lower case letters are used, the minimum size is based on lower case letters.

In general, larger letters are highly recommended. This is because smaller letters are not visible from a distance. No matter how well they are embroidered. So, try to avoid them and limit their use. This will make your patch more visible when worn.

Bold is better

Likewise, narrow and condensed fonts do not embroider well. Tall and thin font styles should be avoided. Deep squares and bold (not particularly bold) are preferred.

Bold letters and design elements stand out more and look better when embroidered. So, use them. This simple advice will make your patches look better!

Other Effective Font Styles

Other font styles that embroider well include: simple scripts, bold font styles with serifs, and hand-drawn styles. If you want to use a stylized font, be sure to make the letters large enough so that small details (like the inside of a lowercase "a") don't risk "closing".

3D Embroidery



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